Peer Support Team
Traditionally, medical and physical fitness have been prioritized above emotional or behavioral fitness in the Fire Service. However, it is clear from the aftermath of 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and other disasters that these priorities are now changing. With each passing year, research shows that fire personnel who balance physical, behavioral and emotional fitness have the best outcomes, whether one is looking at adjustment to becoming a fire fighter, ratings of career satisfaction, family well-being, or adjustment to retirement.
Peer Support
The stresses faced by fire service members throughout the course of their careers – incidents involving children, violence, inherent dangers of firefighting and other potentially traumatic events – can have a cumulative impact on mental health and well-being. Peer support programs have been demonstrated to be an effective method for providing support to occupational groups, including fire fighters.
Fauquier County is at the forefront of addressing Mental Health, PTSD, and Responder Safety. Our Peer Support Team is composed of professionally trained and certified specialists that are ready to help. The system is 100% confidential, non-punitive, and a method for responders to reach out. We take mental health and the safety of our responders seriously. If you or someone you know is suffering from symptoms that you believe are related please click the link below to speak with a Peer Support team member directly. There is also a link to a list of vetted Professional Therapists/Counselors/Social Workers that have been trained specifically for first responders and accept Fauquier County Health Insurance.
We have included a link to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and as well the National Fallen FireFighters Life Safety Initiative 13 which includes resources for psychological support.